STARS is looking for program ideas

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We are looking for ideas for the remainder of this year and planning for next year’s calendar.  If you have any ideas for projects or presentations at a meeting or events that the club can attend or assist with, please bring them up at our next meeting.

STARS 2M repeater is on Echolink

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The STARS 2M repeater offers Echolink! We are excited to support this mode. There is no excuse not to check in to the nets while traveling. The callsign is W9SRC-R and will appear in Echolink’s repeater section. For reference, the Node ID is 763923. Please try it out and let us know what you think.

New UHF Repeater

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We have replaced our aging UHF repeater with a brand new Yaesu DR-1. The new machine is on the same frequencies as our old repeater (442.675 with a standard 5 MHz positive offset and a PL tone of 131.8). Thanks to the Hamfesters Radio Club (W9AA) for their assistance with our latest purchase.