STARS 2024 Field Day
Upcoming Hamfests
HRO Superfest September 20-21, 2024
Ham Radio Outlet Milwaukee
5710 W. Good Hope Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53201
10 AM-5:30 PM
Talk-in 145.130 MHz pl 127.3
CFMC Radio Expo 2024 September 22, 2024
Boone County Fairgrounds
8791 Illinois Route 76
Belvidere, Illinois 61008
6 AM-3 PM
Talk-in 146.760 MHz pl 107.2 WA9ORC
Skywarn Basic Spotter Training Opportunity
The Hamfesters Radio Club will conduct Skywarn Basic Spotter Training at their monthly meeting on April 5, 2024. This class is usually well attended. Please visit the Hamfesters website for additional details as they become available.
After receiving your basic training, you can get advanced training at NWS State College online.
WCRA Hamfest Sunday (January 14th), 2024.

WCRA 2024 Mid-Winter Hamfest
Ham Radio, Computer, and Hobby Electronics Flea Market
If you plan on attending, please watch the Hamfest web page. The title above will take you to the club’s site to verify the event will go as planned.
January 14, 2024, 8 AM to 1 PM
Kane County Fairgrounds Expo Center
525 S. Randall Road, St Charles, IL
Stars Meetings for 2024
We hold meetings at the Bridgeview Community Center, 7902 S. Oketo Avenue, Bridgeview, Illinois, 60455, starting at 7:30 PM CDT. Please visit the event page at for meeting dates, including the address and a map.
Stars members in action at Field Day 2023

VE Sessions
The Worth Public Library is where STARS administers exams. We plan to hold sessions on the 4th Saturday of each month. Testing is held at 10:00 AM, and walk-ins are accepted until 11:30 AM.
If you would like to take an exam, please get in touch with us using the Exam Request form. This helps us plan more effectively and lets us contact you if anything changes.
Test candidates are REQUIRED to register in the FCC CORES system and receive an FCC Registration Number (FRN) prior to exam day.
To apply for an FRN,
STARS is looking for program ideas
We are looking for ideas for the remainder of this year and planning for next year’s calendar. If you have any ideas for projects or presentations at a meeting or events that the club can attend or assist with, please bring them up at our next meeting.
STARS 2M repeater is on Echolink
The STARS 2M repeater offers Echolink! We are excited to support this mode. There is no excuse not to check in to the nets while traveling. The callsign is W9SRC-R and will appear in Echolink’s repeater section. For reference, the Node ID is 763923. Please try it out and let us know what you think.
New UHF Repeater
We have replaced our aging UHF repeater with a brand new Yaesu DR-1. The new machine is on the same frequencies as our old repeater (442.675 with a standard 5 MHz positive offset and a PL tone of 131.8). Thanks to the Hamfesters Radio Club (W9AA) for their assistance with our latest purchase.