Attention Ham Radio Enthusiasts and Club Members!

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Are you ready to take your amateur radio skills to the next level? Mark your calendars and join us for an evening of insights, expertise, and inspiration with one of our very own STARS members, KB9REV. This is an event you won’t want to miss!

Event Details:

  • Date: January 9th
  • Time: 7:00 PM
  • Location: Bridgeview Community Center

Presentation Title:
“Practical Propagation”

Our speaker, Larry Schwab, is a seasoned operator and VE with an impressive track record that speaks volumes about his dedication and mastery of the hobby.

  • Worked All States on 7 separate bands
  • DXCC on 7 separate bands with over 200 confirmed DX contacts across all bands
  • 19,000+ confirmed contacts spanning the globe, from Orland Park to Perth, Australia—all achieved from a modest city lot with just two HF antennas and 100 watts.

This presentation will focus on practical, easy-to-understand methods to predict and utilize propagation paths effectively. Whether you’re a newcomer to amateur radio or a seasoned operator, there’s something here for everyone:

  • Learn simple ways to determine if a band is open, when it’s open, and where it’s open.
  • Gain tips to maximize your station’s potential by knowing when and where to call CQ.
  • Enjoy a non-technical, approachable explanation of propagation paths tailored for both new and experienced Hams.

Join us for an evening that promises to elevate your understanding of propagation and help you make the most of your station. This event will provide amateur radio enthusiasts of all skill levels an opportunity to learn, share, and deepen their passion for amateur radio.

Spread the word, and we hope to see you there!